Safeguarding the ecosystem is not a choice. It is a responsibility.
The adoption of responsible and sustainable practices is an ethical imperative that permeates all our operational processes, from daily office activities to important interventions on our infrastructures. We have a duty to present and future generations: to leave them a different world, healthier and cleaner.
Aiming for the net-zero target
We have been committed to the issue of climate change for years, with projects to reduce emissions and reforestation initiatives, as well as the preparation of a Net-Zero Plan.
In 2024, the preliminary Net-Zero Plan is in the process of validating the targets that require scope 1 and 2 emissions to be net zero by 2040, and scope 3 emissions by 2050.
The year 2021 is our baseline, certified by IMQ S.p.A according to the UNI ENI ISO 14064-1 standard. The total amount of emissions is about 32 kt CO2 eq. To date, our interim target is to reduce emissions by 42% in 2025 and 72% in 2030.

2030 Target
72% reduction of emissions

We responsibly manage resources
We adopt targeted strategies and practices that enable us to equitably and efficiently use natural resources and reduce waste.
This approach reflects a growing awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability in the way we live and operate.
It means carefully considering how we can maximise the use of the Earth’s limited resources without compromising the needs of future generations.
We share our environmental policy
Sharing is not just a formality, but a declaration of intent to be transformed into a common operating model.
Since 2018 we have been engaging our stakeholders, both internal and external, in an open dialogue. In 2023 we involved more than 60 different ministries, local communities, public bodies, our shareholders, contractors and subcontractors.
Their perception is important to us and stakeholder engagement projects are underway from 2024 to reduce any gap between our visions and theirs.
Global Real Estate Sustainability

We guarantee transparency and reporting
We make data and information about our environmental impact, goals and results public and accessible.
We subject our activities to internal and external checks and audits to assess compliance with current regulations and quality standards. Since 2019 we have been participating in the Infrastructure section of the GRESB benchmark (Global Real Estate Benchmark).
On first participation, we obtained a rating of 42/100, which has improved year after year, increasing to the value of 93/100 with 4 stars in 2023.
We invest in innovation and research
The high potential for reconversion and the introduction of green gases into our infrastructure are at the heart of our activities. We continuously invest in cutting-edge technologies and innovative projects, collaborating with the world of research and industry. A constant commitment to the goal of decarbonising the energy sector.

We design sustainable initiatives, for today and for the future
Together with our partners, we launch cutting-edge projects employ the most advanced technologies to pave the way for the energy transition.