People are our most valuable resource
Investing in people means investing in the future. The most authentic value lies in the relationships, ideas and tireless commitment of all those who lead and work at SGI with passion and dedication.
We value and support talent
We support professional growth through training and development plans tailored to our employees’ knowledge and skills.
We encourage individuals to believe in themselves, enhancing and perfecting their abilities.
4,000 hours of training
Every year for all employees
We protect the well-being of individuals
Behind every professional there is a human being, which is why we firmly believe in the importance of creating a work environment that supports work-life balance.
We promote initiatives that promote work flexibility and policies that protect physical and mental health.
We promote effective communication
Dialogue and the exchange of opinions are fundamental pillars of our culture. We are committed to creating an environment in which each individual can freely express their ideas, with confidence in being heard and respected.
We use monthly all-hands meetings as a sharing tool, to welcome opinions and suggestions and encourage a climate in which diversity of perspectives contributes to collective growth and success.
We value diversity
Diversity is an asset and a great source of innovation. For this reason, we value everyone’s diversity, experiences and perspectives with ad hoc activities, such as events on the topics of diversity & inclusion and gender equality. For a fair and stimulating work environment for all.

Environmental as well as social empowerment
Having a social responsibility also means preserving, respecting and protecting the ecosystem in which we all live.