A solid and innovative structure inspired by ethics and integrity
Established in compliance with the current regulatory framework, our governance system is the backbone of SGI. It is a guarantee of weighted decision-making processes, balance and protection of the rights and interests of stakeholders.
It is a commitment to transparency, accountability and safety.
Board of Directors
Our strategic guide for sustainable corporate development
Roberto Loiola
Roberta Benedetti
Paolo Pietrogrande
Patrick Herger
Charlotte Brunning
Marissa Dardi
Our organisation
Roberto Loiola
Raffaele Maiello
Gianluca Vollaro
Paolo Alessio
Pasquale Verrecchia
Luisa Maria Nucci
Giorgia Palmieri
Arcangelo Pecchia
Marco Mercuri
Marta Raponi
Carmelinda Zocco
Angelo Lettera
Our internal control system dedicated to the issues of transparency and ethics
Board of Statutory Auditors
The entity that plays a key role in ensuring financial integrity, adherence to company by-laws and regulatory compliance.
Chairman: Angelo Gervaso Colombo
Standing auditor: Grazia Carbone
Standing auditor: Marco Borioli
Supervisory Board
The entity that oversees and monitors the functioning of the Organizational Model 231.
External member: Giulia Dragoni
External member: Francesca Rosetti
Internal member: Arcangelo Pecchia
An official document to declare our ethical principles
Since 2006, we have laid out the principles and values that guide us in our daily operations in clear terms. The Code of Ethics is a statement of intent shared and applied by every level of the company.