




In accordance with Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, Società Gasdotti Italia S.p.A. has established a dedicated channel for reporting illicit activities, ensuring confidentiality and protection for the whistleblower.

What can be reported?

There is no exhaustive list of reportable cases. Generally, the behaviors reported must potentially harm the integrity and ethics of the company. This includes actual or suspected violations of national or European Union regulations that harm the public interest or the integrity of the private entity, which one becomes aware of in a work-related context, anomalies, potential irregularities, or potential crimes committed either in the interest of or to the detriment of Società Gasdotti Italia S.p.A.

However, personal matters or issues related to employment relationships or relations with superiors or colleagues cannot be reported through this channel. Additionally, any forms of abuse, such as manifestly opportunistic reports made solely to harm the accused or others, are subject to disciplinary action and other competent proceedings.

Who can report?

Reports can be made through the whistleblowing channel by anyone who has acquired information about violations within the “work context” of the company. This includes internal personnel (employees, volunteers, or interns, even if unpaid), shareholders (if individual shareholders), members of the administrative and control bodies even without formal appointment, and external parties who have business relations with SGI (such as suppliers, freelancers, or self-employed workers) or who provide goods or services or perform works for the company.

The “work context” refers to work or professional activities, whether current or past, conducted within the aforementioned work relationships, through which a person gains information about violations and within which they could risk retaliation if they report.

How to make a report?

Operational instructions on how to submit reports are contained in the “Protocol for Reporting Illicit Activities” (known as the Whistleblowing Protocol), to which reference is made.

Downloadable documents

File name


Protocol for reporting wrongdoing – Whistleblowing

Protocol for reporting wrongdoing – Whistleblowing