

Società Gasdotti Italia and ANMIL are organizing a special Safety Day in Frosinone




Società Gasdotti Italia and ANMIL are organizing a special Safety Day in Frosinone

Società Gasdotti Italia and ANMIL are organizing a special Safety Day in Frosinone


Società Gasdotti Italia and ANMIL are organizing a special Safety Day in Frosinone 5.12.23 Releases

Rome, December 5, 2023 – The next 14th of December, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in Frosinone, a day dedicated to work safety will take place at the Dream Cinema of Fornaci Cinema Village (Via Giovanni Jacobucci, 1). The event is organized by SGI with the Patronage and active support of ANMIL (Associazione Nazionale fra Lavoratori Mutilati e Invalidi del Lavoro), as well as with the patronage of ASL and the Municipaity of Frosinone.

For the first time, the company has chosen new languages and participatory forms of awareness to echo the need for a new culture of prevention, in which everyone must feel part of corporate safety, especially when the workplace is the external environment and where dangers increase exponentially.

The event, primarily aimed at the company’s suppliers and attended by some local schools, will be structured in several moments: discussion with institutions and industry experts, testimonies from victims of work, artistic performances on the theme (performance by journalist and singer-songwriter Stefano Corradino, theatrical performance by the Rossolevante company, “To those who hesitate”).

Speakers will include:

  • Roberto Loiola, CEO of SGI
  • Zoello Forni, National President of ANMIL
  • Giovanni Cantisani, HSE Coordinator of SGI
  • Walter Rizzetto, President of the Public and Private Labor Commission – Chamber of Deputies
  • Alberto Verzulli, ANMIL Lazio Territorial President
  • Patrizia Tanzilli, Medical Manager at the UOS PRESAL SUD Service, Cassino branch
  • Salvatore Malaponti, President of Palermo ANMIL
  • Elvira Goglia, INAIL Lazio Regional Deputy Director
  • Domenico Loffreda, ANMIL Territorial President
  • Vincenzo Di Nucci, Vice President of the TSRM PSTRP Order of Rome and Province
  • Juri Piroddi, Artistic Director of the Rossolevante Company

The event, coordinated by RaiNews24 journalist Stefano Corradino, will focus on the new performance by the Rossolevante company, which has been engaged in safety issues for years with representations aimed at students and workers, aiming to be a warning to never let down their guard and, through a series of monologues, tell the story of direct or indirect victims, of the lack of a true culture of prevention in the workplace and in all other living environments.

We are grateful to SGI for this commitment to prevention and for involving us with our testimonies, appreciating the strength and emotional power in the certainty of expanding the audience of interlocutors with whom we interact to contribute to drastically reducing workplace accidents, until reaching zero, which for us is not a slogan but a true mission of life, living daily with the tragic consequences of lack of prevention – declared President Forni – with the hope that also thanks to our testimonies, the perception of risk and the awareness of the importance of protection devices can change.

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