

Roberto Loiola is the new CEO of Società Gasdotti Italia




Roberto Loiola is the new CEO of Società Gasdotti Italia

Roberto Loiola is the new CEO of Società Gasdotti Italia


Milan, 29 March 2023 – Società Gasdotti Italia (“SGI”), the second-largest natural gas transportation operator in Italy, with a presence in the country for about 60 years and owner of an infrastructure capable of enabling the energy transition, has announced the appointment of Roberto Loiola as its new Chief Executive Officer.

Roberto Loiola, graduated in Engineering from the University of Padua, brings with him a wealth of experience in leading companies in the fields of network infrastructure and the implementation of major infrastructure, technological, and industrial investments. Among the numerous positions held over his 30-year career, Roberto Loiola has served as Chief Executive Officer of the SIRTI group; Senior Vice President of Nokia, Nokia-Siemens, Alcatel-Lucent, and Huawei in Italy and abroad; and CEO and President of Alcatel-Lucent Italy.

The new direction at SGI reflects the desire of its shareholders – the Canadian fund Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and the Swiss company Swiss Life Asset Managers – to support continuity and security in the gas supply to Italian businesses and households, as well as the energy transition. SGI will continue to invest in innovative technologies to promote the development of renewable gases, green hydrogen, and power-to-gas, also through numerous national and regional partnerships.

The new CEO will lead a management team experienced in design and development, as well as the construction and operation of pipelines and related infrastructures. The implementation of the ten-year network development plan envisages over 400 million euros in investments, around 40% of which will be allocated to the Adriatic gas pipeline route – from Puglia to the Marche, passing through Molise and Abruzzo. Among the most significant projects is the Hydrogen-ready conversion of the operating gas pipeline network and SGI’s leading role in the Hydrogen Valley project for the Frosinone industrial district, focused on the integrated use of green hydrogen and its by-products.

The new CEO, Roberto Loiola, stated, “I am thrilled and proud to be able to put my experience in managing complex companies at the service of a strategic player in the energy system, which has a long history of solid professionalism and expertise in the sector. I thank the Board of Directors and the shareholders of SGI for their trust. We will work with dedication and commitment to contribute to ensuring the supply in the territories we serve and to continue on the path towards decarbonization.

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