HELIOS project

Hydrogen from ELectrolysis for Industries Of Sacco Valley

The Hydrogen Valley in detail

The Helios Valley project involves the construction of a new Hydrogen Valley in the municipality of Patrica (FR) with the aim of promoting a decarbonisation process that will primarily involve the consumption of methane gas in the industrial cluster of Frosinone through the transition from methane to the methane-hydrogen blend in predetermined percentages, with the consequent conversion of the gas network and implementation of a hydrogen infrastructure.

The Hydrogen Valley will be built in a disused industrial area covering about 10 hectares and at a distance of about 200m from the SGI’s Busso-Paliano High Pressure Pipeline (20″, 40-bar operating pressure).

The Helios Valley project, a brief description of which is provided below, applied, excluding the infrastructures covered by this pilot, for a funding call issued by the Lazio Region for the allocation of funds from the NRRP Mission 2 “Green Revolution and Ecological Transition”, Component 2 “Renewable energy, hydrogen, network and sustainable mobility”, Investment 3.1 “Production in abandoned industrial areas”, financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU. At present, the project has been awarded funds of 9.5 million euros by the Lazio Region and is awaiting the final allocation of funds.

The Hydrogen Valley will consist of the following plant units:

  • Green Hydrogen Production Unit:
  • 7 MW photovoltaic power station
  • 5 MW electrolysis package
  • Compression unit for introduction into the first-stage natural gas pipeline
  • High-pressure compression unit for injection into static storage
  • Possibility of installing a high-pressure compression unit for injection into mobile storage (tank wagons)
  • Blending unit for hydrogen and methane (maximum 20%–25%) 
  • New Hydrogen-Ready Pipeline

The hydrogen produced will be injected into the transmission network in percentages of up to 20%.

In addition, a CFD fluid-dynamic analysis will be carried out in collaboration with the scientific partner of the project (UNICAS) aimed at analysing the blending between natural gas and hydrogen under different operating conditions and preventing stratification phenomena.

The testing part of the project has been applied and will be financed by the Arera 404 Resolution that promotes innovative tests on gas infrastructure. 

In cooperation with

Other initiatives signed by SGI

A first-of-a-kind project for the injection into the grid of green hydrogen generated throught industrial processes powered by renewable energy.

Hybrids project

An industrial-scale initiative that aims to produce 100% renewable methane gas through innovative power-to-gas technology.

Pegasus project

Towards the energy transition with the integrated design of processes for biomethane and synthetic gases from renewable sources.

Sinbio project